Time Managment

Time Management



Date:  July 2016



Location: Limerick


Cost: €120.00


Contact Rachel Joyce or Paul Kirby to book at rjoyce@limerickchamber.ie / training@limerickchamber.ie or call 061 217605 / 061 217601







This programme is designed to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to manage their time more effectively by eliminating unnecessary interruptions, prioritising tasks and understanding the difference between urgent and important.




Course Objectives:

At the end of this programme, participants will be able to:


  • Assess their work priorities and schedules.
  • Prioritise their tasks.
  • Set individual goals and objectives.
  • Plan their time effectively in order to achieve their personal and organisational goals.
  • Identify and manage time robbers such as emails, meetings and interruptions.
  • Overcome Procrastination.
  • Manage their communications more effectively.
  • Delegate tasks effectively
  • Effectively manage upwards.


Improve their work output as a result of improved personal effectiveness. 





Contact Rachel or Paul to book at rjoyce@limerickchamber.ie / training@limerickchamber.ie or call 061 217605 / 061 217601


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